The 18 Books I Read in 2022

I’ve always been someone who sticks to a goal a bit more easily when I have something tangible to track. So, for the past few years I have used Goodreads to set a reading goal for the year to come. In 2022, my goal was to read 20 books. Spoiler: I fell a little short on my goal and only got through 18 (see how I did in 2021 and what I read here).

To be fair though, this year was the year I finally started “quitting” books that I just wasn’t enjoying. So there are a lot of books I got about 100 pages in and realized they just weren’t for me. In the past, I’ve always pushed through to finish everything I started. Maybe its just the whole “wisdom with age” thing but I finally realized there are too many good books and not enough time to keep doing that!

If you want to see how I rated these books and keep up with what I am reading now follow along with me on Goodreads.


Another thing that has helped me read more these past few years (maybe more than anything) is finally investing in a kindle. For years I resisted and was a strong believer that physical books are the “real deal” and that they should never be replaced but I finally tried out a kindle and haven’t looked back since.

I’ve used the Kindle Fire for years. I think it’s perfect for multi-purpose use, which is especially helpful if you aren’t totally sure you are ready to set aside those physical books.

Then, this year I decided to buy the Kindle Paperwhite right before my trip to Greece (you know to prepare for all those beach reads without the glare) and I completely love it.


As usual this list is full historical fiction but also has a few lighter reads (hello, beach reads) to balance things out. I loved so many of the books I read this year. A few of my favorites were: Salt to the Sea; The Rose Code; and The Light We Lost.

Fun fact: one of the main characters in The Rose Code has the same last name as me (which is so uncommon). So I obviously went down a deep dive immediately after reading since it was based on an actual woman who led a network of female spies during WW1. I am now convinced we are somehow related (putting this back on my list to research more).

So here they are….the 18 books I read in 2022.

As always, a note: Items in this blog post may contain affiliate links. This does not cost you anything additional to order through these links but may provide me with a small commission which allows me to keep sharing these type of posts.


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