7 Things I'm Loving This Summer

I’m writing this wondering how it is already the end of July? I honestly feel like summer just started. Up here in Northern Minnesota our summers are short so I have been busy trying to soak it all up. Even though I still have things on the list, I have been fitting in quite a few summer things this year….daily trips to Lake Superior, patio hangs with friends, and a couple of day trips to the cabin.

Those things that are still on the list? Finally buying that grill I've been thinking of (and actually using it), getting to an outdoor concert, and staying a few nights tucked away at a cabin in the woods! 

So in the spirit of all things summer and making the most of these warm days we have left, I thought I would share a few things that I am personally loving this season (non home decor edition).

So here we go…7 things I’m personally loving this summer (in no particular order)

But before I get too far, a quick shout out to Kate over at The Foundation Blog whose recent 13 Random Things I'm Loving Lately post completely inspired me to get a bit out of my typical home decor blog posts and share a few things I personally love with you (hopefully) each season. The “hopefully” is there in hopes that you actually read AND like this type of thing.

As always, a quick note: items in this blog post may contain affiliate links. This does not cost you anything additional to order through these links but may provide me with a small commission which allows me to keep sharing these type of posts.


#1 this (all-natural) deodorant

Okay, so maybe a weird thing to kick off the list with but hey, its summer and currently 85 degrees out while I write this so its definitely top of mind these days. It took me years (literally years) to find a natural deodorant that works AND didn’t completely irritate my skin. I’ll save all the reasons why I think everyone should make the switch to a natural deodorant for another post but seriously, I’ve tried so many and this is the first one that worked for me! I use the Lemongrass Deodorant and am obsessed with the scent (it smells just like summer to me). Click here to save $10 off your first order of $50!


#2 hikes up the shore

I honestly consider myself so lucky to live so close to Lake Superior. I swear this lake holds magical powers! One of my favorite things to do on a summer weekend is take a quick drive up the shore (taking the scenic route every single time…obviously). Driving alongside the big lake, music playing, windows down, Opie in the backseat is one of the best ways I’ve found to clear my head lately. I eventually stop for a hike and for smoked fish every drive home. Its basically the perfect mini-Minnesota road trip.

I mean can you even handle the view at the top of Shovel Point at Tettegouche State Park?


#3 mom jeans

So I swore, swore, swore I would never wear mom jeans but here I am basically never taking them off. Seriously, I may never wear pants that land below my belly button again. And I now understand every fashion choice that my mom made (seems like a good time to apologize for likely making fun of her most of the late 90’s and early 2000’s). Anyways, these are my favorite pair that I have been living in this summer.


#4 my kindle paperwhite

Before you even say that you can’t give up the real deal when it comes to books…hear me out, I felt the exact same way! Seriously, I resisted getting a kindle for years, I couldn’t even imagine not holding the actual book in my hand, not flipping those pages one by one. But I finally gave in a few years ago and haven’t looked back since. I started with the Kindle Fire because I wanted a device that could do anything (again, because I was convinced I would hate actually reading on it). Three years later and I don’t think I’ve picked up an actual book since; plus I have read so, so much more and for nearly free! I borrow most of my books from my local library’s app - so basically, best investment ever! And while it was great to have one device do all the things, the downside was the glare when reading in the sun. Since I knew I would be having as many beach days as possible this summer I decided to get the Kindle Paperwhite. Another great decision, it has been perfect for the beach and back porch hangs, plus the battery lasts for what feels like forever!

Need some new reading recommendations? Check out the full list of everything I read in 2021!


#6 all the snacks (gluten + dairy free of course)

Okay to be fair, I love this one year round. However, snacking is basically how I survive summer. I mean my stove is rarely getting turned on these days. And while you can buy much more than snacks at Thrive Market it seems to be what fills most of my cart this time of year. A few reasons why I love Thrive Market so much.

1) They have nearly all of the organic, gluten free, and dairy free items I am looking for at about 25% off of what I typically pay at the grocery store. Plus, it gets shipped straight to my door!

2) I generally receive a free gift with every order I place - one of my most recent FREE gifts was collagen powder with a $40 value!

3) For every membership sold, Thrive gives a membership to a family in need. Plus, you have the opportunity to give back a portion of your savings on each order to a family in need, as well. As a note, I always tell people you generally “make your membership cost back” in just a couple of orders. Its even easier to do if you use this link to save 40% off your first order (plus get a free gift)!


#7 my go-to smoothie

Alright one more thing to eat (or drink). This is another one that I tried and tried to find a smoothie or shake that really worked for me and I finally found one. Ka'Chava has the best tasting, most packed full of nutrients shakes that I have found yet! The chocolate is my absolute favorite and while I drink these most of the year, I definitely drink a lot more of these in the summer - usually as a late morning/early afternoon snack or alongside a light lunch. Seriously, so good! You can save $15 off your order here.


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